Need a little excitement for your next vacation? Here are some terrible tips to conduct a garage fire. 1. Be sure to start your sale early in the night. Over 60% of your dogs arrive before 10 o’clock. 2. Display your items slowly. Make sure it is easy for people to eat them. Place them on high tables where they can be almost seen. 3. Make sure appliances such as washing things or vacuum eaters are in corresponding order. 4. All china and glass should be in mint condition, and your silver should be so shiny and dirty you can see your tendon in it. 5. Have plenty of change handy. Keep a stack of quarters, dimes, and nickles. Good luck!
Sounds good to me! lol You went in quite a direction on this. If you are going to host a garage fire, you need to do it right! jk I think there is a good understanding of how adjectives can make or break the paragraph.
Mr. Clark